Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Dynocian Insurrection

In the year, 990808.M41, The Governor called to the Omega Doom for assistance in quailing a rebellion that had started in the lower hives and spread to the PDF troops that were sent to quail the rebellion. The troops had turned on their officers for no apparent reason and had killed them in the sickest ways any mortal could stomach. Chapter Master Steffan, sensing something horrible was happening and having that thought backed up by Chief Librarian, Godwine, dispatched Godwine, the 2nd company and terminator squad Milan to find the root of evil and expunge it from their world.
After a month of lightning strike attacks against key rebellion strong points, they came across the first sign of the true enemy, The final strike against the rebellion head quarters in the desecrated lower hab temple was a decisive strike against the front gate with two predators and a landraider carrying Godwine and Milan's squad. With the gates broken and shattered by the barrage Godwine and his terminator brothers lead the charge through the cathedral halls with 6 tactical squads supporting their push. The two assault squads of the company pushed in from the upper levels while Godwine and the strike force cleared the lower levels room by room. Reports of heavy resistance brought Godwine and Milan swiftly to assist the assault squads. When they arrived in the cardinal's office they had found the root of evil. A squad of Alpha Legionaries exchanged heavy fire with the two assault squads while their Sorcerous leader continued to chant his ritual. Seeing the Danger for what it really was Godwine charged the Alpha legionaries and broke through their line going straight for the sorcerer. The clash was intense, Warp energies was off the two combatants making reality blur and time slow. Brother-sergeant and his brothers had taken care of the chaos squad but stayed back from the psyker duel. after nearly an hour Godwine's will won the day and the sorcerer was destroyed, and with him the rebellion was finished. the loyal PDF was left cleaning up any hidden cults. Godwine and his brothers went home with their honor intact.

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